When looking for telehandlers for sale, there are multiple factors to consider. Purchasing new means looking for equipment that meets the specific needs of your intended use, while if you decide to scout used telehandlers as well, you have additional elements to consider. Before shopping for a telehandler, review the types and their uses and take into account the things you should look for when inspecting used equipment.
The first step in purchasing a telehandler is to know precisely how you intend to use it. What is your industry? What are your operation's size and your facility's space allowance? More importantly, is a telehandler the correct type of forklift for your needs?
Telehandlers go by many names, including a teleporter, a boom lift, or a telescopic handler. Companies use them to move cargo from places a traditional forklift could not reach. This machine operates with hydraulics using a long boom, which resembles a crane. Attachments at the end of the boom allow you to move different types of cargo, such as pallets and barrels.
A telehandler is essentially a hybrid of a crane and a forklift. It allows you to move excessively heavier loads than a forklift with more precision and maneuverability. Because it does the work of multiple types of equipment, it is an excellent investment as long as the specs meet your needs.
When searching for telehandlers for sale, you will come across various brands and models with different specifications. However, in general, all specs are some variation of load capacity and lift height. These two elements are essential to understand when trying to find the right telehandler for your company.
If you are familiar with the center of gravity concept and how it affects stability, you will understand a telehandler's load capacity. How much weight the equipment can manage depends on the position of its load center, which is simply the distance between the attachment at the end of the crane and the machine's gravity center. As that distance increases, the load capacity decreases.
Before you shop the market for new or used telehandlers for sale, you want to know the weight range of loads in your line of work or at your specific operation. The capacity varies depending on the manufacturer, but you will find models that can carry as much as 14,000 pounds.
The crane-like structure, called the boom arm, is extendable and stretches at an angle. Typically, the angle is around 70 degrees, which shortens the extension slightly. It would have more reach at 90 degrees, but that could compromise the machine's stability. If lift height is a top priority for you, many models can reach as high as 56 feet, and even on the low end, most telehandlers can reach up to 30 feet.
Telehandlers are almost always used in an outdoor setting. They are heavily prevalent in the agriculture and construction industries because of their reach and load capacity. Additionally, telehandlers can have varying attachments, making them more versatile. For example, construction workers can use them to lift concrete blocks or industrial pipes, while farmers can use a fork attachment to stack large bales of hay.
While traditional forklifts are more common in the industrial sector, where equipment carries pallets and containers from one area to another, telehandlers still have specialized use in industry. For example, operators can use them to shift stacked heavy loads much more efficiently. Business owners typically shop for used telehandlers when the intended use is to supplement other lifting equipment.
There are multiple ways to categorize telehandlers. However, the most efficient way to understand them is by their movement capabilities, and there are two types:
You can also find telehandlers with varying specialized capabilities within these broad categories. For example, compact fixed equipment is beneficial on a construction site with limited space, and you can change the boom arm attachments to better suit the type of work you need the machinery to do.
Anyone looking for forklifts and telehandlers for sale should consider the benefits of purchasing new or used telehandlers over traditional forklifts:
While it has many advantages over the forklift, a telehandler is not always the best option for every business. For example, if you need cargo-lifting equipment for a warehouse setting, you would likely prefer a forklift over a telehandler. On the other hand, if you have indoor and outdoor loading needs, you could potentially use both.
Unless you have an unlimited budget, you may consider shopping for a used telehandler over a new one. However, there are advantages to buying new equipment. You get shiny new machine in perfect condition, and a dealer is generally more inclined to help if a problem arises because they have a reputation to protect. Additionally, you can typically access a warranty when you purchase new machinery.
Other reasons you may want to buy a new telehandler include the following:
Anytime you have exact specifications, you may struggle to find fitting used telehandlers. However, if you intend to use the machine less often and for more general projects, you can save a substantial amount of money by shopping for used equipment. To protect yourself from a poor purchase, know what to look for in pre-used machinery.
Purchasing used equipment requires vetting and additional considerations. First, you need to know exactly what to look for and check the specs to ensure everything meets to specific needs of your project. These tips will guide you to the right equipment and ensure you have everything you need:
Once you thoroughly understand the type of telehandler you need, you can narrow down your search and start inspecting the telehandlers for sale that would work for your project.
Proper inspection is a crucial step in purchasing used telehandlers. Unfortunately, an individual seller is unlikely to help with issues after purchasing, so you want to ensure everything is in working order before you come into possession of the equipment. These four simple tips can protect you from faulty equipment and dishonest sales.
Ask the owner for a company of the machine's maintenance records. These provide a wealth of information about any significant repairs and the type of treatment the telehander received. For example, note the time between maintenance services and whether the owner routinely performed repairs and general maintenance. Compare the records to the owner's manual to ensure the seller conducted recommended maintenance and followed the manufacturer's recommended schedule.
Mechanical repairs are among the most costly. Therefore, you want to inspect the mechanical systems for any potential issues before buying. Some elements to review include:
Once you know the internal systems are in good working order, you can check out the exterior.
Taking a quick overall view of used telehandlers can be informative. For example, how clean is the machine? Can you see any punctures or worn tread on the tires? Do the glass and plastic partitions have cracks that could obstruct your view?
How clean or dirty the machine is can speak to how well the owner cared for it. Do you see dents, cracks, or damage to any panels, especially near the engine? In general, a well-kept exterior will likely indicate a well-kept interior.
When evaluating telehandlers for sale, checking the structural systems is crucial. Vital questions to ask include:
If you have concerns about your ability to adequately judge the machine's condition and capability, have an expert come with you to conduct the inspection.
Asking the questions mentioned above ensures you have the equipment needed to progress your project without interruption. Additionally, a well-informed purchase can mean the difference between buying equipment that advances your financial goals and one that derails your plans and causes costly problems. Therefore, the first step in your journey to finding the perfect telehandler is to know what precisely what you need and how to spot issues in used machinery.
Find new and used telehandlers for sale with Forklift Inventory and avoid wading through multiple websites to find the perfect telehandler.
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