The job of a forklift operator is a physically demanding one. Your workers are subjected to bumping and jostling, frequent starts and stops, and heavy vibrations. After an eight-hour shift, this can take a significant toll on the body. Taking steps to increase comfort for your drivers can help you to retain valuable workers and decrease turnover.
However, forklift operator comfort isn't just a retention issue. It also plays into health and safety at your facility. Operating a forklift in uncomfortable positions can negatively affect ergonomics. Poor ergonomics can put drivers at risk for workplace injuries.
Here are things you can do to increase comfort for forklift drivers in your facility.
Drowsiness or fatigue can decrease a worker's driving ability, increasing the risk of an accident. It can also decrease forklift operator comfort by reducing muscle tone. This makes it harder to maintain proper posture while operating the forklift, which can contribute to muscle strain and discomfort.
A forklift driver should dress appropriately for each shift. This means wearing clothing made of soft, breathable fabric. Clothing should not be too tight, as applying pressure to the body may cause discomfort, but it should also not be too loose, or it could get stuck in the machinery. Forklift operators should wear appropriate personal protective equipment, such as hard hats, and all workers should wear high-visibility clothing so that forklift drivers can see them.
You should make it clear to all workers, in writing, what types of clothing are appropriate for work and which are not. You should also have a policy in place to impose penalties on those who wear inappropriate clothing to work.
The human body is not made to assume one position for prolonged periods of time or to perform constant repetitive motion. Doing so can cause pain and stiffness in the short term and repetitive strain injuries over time. Allowing forklift drivers to take regular breaks during each shift allows them a chance to rest and vary their position. This helps to relieve stress on the body, which can lead to discomfort and injury.
Forklift operator comfort is not only physical. Workers who are new to driving a forklift may feel intimidated and uncertain of their abilities. Allow and encourage these workers to drive the forklift as much as possible. With practice, they will learn new skills and gain confidence in their abilities.
Not all forklifts have seats, but those that do should have seats that are adjustable so that they can fit every forklift operator regardless of size or body type. You should teach each forklift driver how to adjust the seat. Also, suggest good ergonomics for forklift operators:
Make the comfort of each forklift operator a priority when buying new equipment. Browse our selection of new and used forklifts for sale, and let us help you find the right one.
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