Advantages of a Warehouse Floor Cleaning Machine

December 22, 2022 - Last modified: July 22, 2024 @ 3:36 pm

Parking Lot Sweepers

In many cases, warehouses are 24-hour facilities dealing with multiple processes throughout the day. Warehouse workers receive, put away, store, pack and ship merchandise. The size of your warehouse determines how many people come and go throughout the day and the work your employees perform. A warehouse floor cleaning machine may be a necessary investment for your company to keep your warehouse clean.

Understanding the Necessity of a Warehouse Floor Cleaning Machine

According to OSHA, it is your responsibility to keep your floors clear of hazards. This includes hazards that a person could slip, trip or fall over. Spills of all kinds can happen in the warehouse, so you should stock pads and other absorbents to handle liquid and oil spills. Additionally, a floor cleaner can ensure that there is no residue left.

Injury Hazards

Any time a person slips and falls on the warehouse floor, he or she is at risk of serious injuries. Common consequences of a slip and fall accident include:

Protecting your workers is not just something that you should do, but something that you must do. Any injuries suffered because you did not properly maintain the flooring could result in a personal injury lawsuit against you or your company.

Forklift Hazards

Forklift operators require clean floors to do their job properly without damage to the vehicle and products. The majority of forklifts have cushion tires. Though efficient, these tires do not handle uneven flooring well. Instead, the tires become flat and worn out and require more frequent replacement.

Damaged floors can cause vibrations in the forklift. As the forklifts vibrate, they can jostle products and cause items to fall. You have a lesser chance of product damage when you have smooth, clean floors.

In addition to protecting the forklift and products, you also protect the operator. The operator feels each bump when the forklift vibrates or moves over uneven terrain. Poor ergonomics can lead to discomfort and pain.

Learning the Types of Cleaning Machines

You have different options for a warehouse floor cleaning machine. The type of equipment you should choose depends on many factors, so it helps to understand the types of cleaning machines available before you can make your decision.

Walk-Behind Scrubbers

To use a walk-behind scrubber, the operator stands behind it and pushes it, much like you would a vacuum or steam cleaner. The machines come in various sizes, but for concrete or slate flooring that is often found in warehouses, you typically want a mid to large-size scrubber.

While a powerful machine, most people can easily operate a walk-behind scrubber because it has an automatic momentum that makes it easier to push. Since walk-behind scrubbers come in various sizes, they can easily navigate smaller areas. Even if you have a small warehouse or a lot of crowded or narrow aisles, you can maneuver a walk-behind scrubber into most spaces.

Ride-On Scrubbers

A ride-on scrubber may be best suited for large warehouses. They are built to handle large square footage with quickness and efficiency. The ride-on scrubber allows the operator to sit in the seat and navigate the machine throughout the building. These scrubbers can clean from 20,000 to 60,000 square feet every hour, depending on the size and floor type. However, if you have narrow aisles in your facility, a ride-on scrubber may not be able to navigate sharp turns or smaller areas.

Discovering the Advantages of a Warehouse Floor Cleaning Machine

The traditional mop and bucket are not a worthwhile investment for even a small warehouse. When you use a mop, your floor only becomes about 60% to 70% clean. However, when you use an industrial scrubber, you end up with floors that are about 95% clean.

To increase the benefits of a floor cleaner, ensure you have a regular janitorial schedule. Think about how often your warehouse requires a deep cleaning of the floors. If you need to use the scrubber three times a week, prepare to scrub the floors during times when your company is less busy.

Be proactive about cleaning. If you keep waiting until the floors are debris-ridden and becoming damaged, you are not using the scrubber enough.

Boost the Warehouse's Reputation

When employees and customers enter the warehouse, their first impression plays a major role in whether they want to stick around, work for you, or invest in your product. Dirty floors could indicate that the products are dirty too. Few people want to use a warehouse where they believe products will be shipped covered in dust.

Unlike a broom, a floor scrubber machine does not simply move dirt around. Instead, it traps and removes it to keep it from reentering the air. You reduce the airborne allergens and increase the overall look of the building.

The cleanliness of your warehouse sends a message to anyone who steps foot in it. If it is dirty and unkempt and your floors look like they haven't been scrubbed in years, people will think you care less about the business. A simple shiny floor can increase your business's reputation and convey that you are a professional.

Increase Health and Safety

Did you know that airborne pollutants are about 100 times worse inside than outside? Poor air quality has been linked to respiratory illness and allergies. Your employees cannot work in an environment with low air quality. Sick employees also tend to have higher health insurance rates and medical leave costs.

Having janitorial equipment to protect the health and safety of your employees can make a big difference in employee satisfaction and productivity. In addition to respiratory health, removing debris from the ground decreases the risk of falls. A warehouse floor cleaning machine also removes dirt that could obscure painted directions or warnings on the floor.

Stay Current With Regulatory Standards

It is against OSHA's standards to have a dirty floor. You cannot have wet or oily floors, accumulations of debris, trash buildup or improperly discarded food, wrappers or other containers on your floor. All warehouses should remain up to date with OSHA's standards to avoid a violation and to protect the employees. If your warehouse does not meet the standards, you may not pass your inspections.

Save Time on the Job

If your janitorial team still uses mops and traditional floor cleaning tools, you waste time and energy. Cleaning tens of thousands of square feet warehouse can exhaust the best janitorial team. When investing in a machine, think about the time you will save. It won't be as daunting to clean the entire warehouse, and you are less likely to want to cut corners when it comes to keeping the floors clean.

Scrubbers have powerful motors and brushes capable of deep cleaning. When you use a high-powered cleaner, you also achieve a higher level of cleanliness. This means you have to spend less time cleaning the floor and can focus more on the other parts of the business that matter to you.

Clean Better Than Before

When you mop floors, you do not change the water every time that you dip the mop in. As you continue to mop, you end up cleaning the floors with gray water rather than fresh water. When using a commercial floor scrubber, however, the dirty water cycles into a gray water tank, so the cleaning water remains hygienic the entire time. You never spread old dirt throughout the warehouse into new places.

More Productive Employees

A clean environment can increase productivity. When there is a lot of clutter and dust, the brain focuses on it, making it difficult to focus on work. Additionally, if you slack on cleaning, you are more likely to have employees who slack off, too. Since the warehouse's appearance reflects how much you care about your business, it can in turn reflect how much your employees care about it. Workers are more likely to be motivated and productive when working in a clean, well-maintained environment.

Less Floor Damage

A warehouse floor cleaning machine could protect concrete from serious damage or premature replacement. Many warehouse owners ignore their floors until the floor begins to fall apart. They might not think a little dirt and grime will cause much damage. After all, warehouses aren't going to be without dust and dirt, especially during the busiest work hours. However, a floor has a much lower lifespan when you do not care for it.

Dust and other abrasive substances can cause damage to the floor. Think about the forklifts that drive over the dust and dirt, crushing it into the concrete. In the winter, workers may track in salt from deicers outside. The salt can cause deterioration and damage if you have unsealed concrete floors.

Choosing the Right Floor Scrubber for Your Warehouse

Knowing the advantages of an industrial scrubber makes the decision-making easier. Once you have decided that you need a machine for your warehouse, it's time to choose which floor scrubber works best for your business.

Building Size

Consider your building's size, and remember that bigger is not always better. Having a large ride-on scrubber is not cost-effective if you have a small warehouse. Look at the most narrow areas of your warehouse. The machine should be able to fit down the narrowest aisles, make the sharpest turns and fit through every doorway. If you have a combination of different types of spaces, it could benefit you to get two different types of scrubbers.

Flooring Type

A warehouse floor cleaning machine has different brushes for different floor types. For example, nylon and polyester brushes are best when you have a lot of fine dust. A squeegee made of urethane works well on rough and uneven floors, while a gum rubber squeegee may work best on smooth surfaces.

Labor Costs

Since one of the advantages of a floor cleaning machine is the savings on costs, you have to compare the labor costs to the cost of the machine. Part of your budget should include future savings on labor costs.

Purchasing a ride-on scrubber is more expensive than a walk-behind scrubber. You should only go for a ride-on model if it also cuts down the cost of labor to an extent that matters to your company. If you have more limited space, the walk-behind can be more affordable and offer you savings in labor. The machine should have a relatively quick return on your investment.

Maintenance Costs

Always factor in the cost of maintenance and potential repairs for your warehouse floor cleaning machine. Any equipment can run into problems down the road, and if you do not practice regular maintenance, it might not last as long as it's supposed to. Make sure you have a maintenance deal with someone to work on the equipment. Often companies enter into service agreements with contractors to ensure their machines remain in good condition.

Emptying Space and Equipment

To operate the scrubber, you need an area to refill and to drain the machine. Most machines require that you have a hose to refill and drain. Your scrubber will tell you when it's time to drain the water. If the recovery tank is almost full, then it's time to drain it. However, you may not want to put the water directly down a sink's drain. Cleaned-up debris can clog up your pipes, leading to even more issues. Instead, use a filter or strainer to keep clumps of dirt out of the pipes.

Handling Regular Floor Maintenance With a Warehouse Floor Cleaning Machine

At Forklift Inventory, we understand your warehouse's needs for heavy equipment. We also know how important cleanliness is. Find new & used forklifts for sale with Forklift Inventory.

Dirty floors can wreak havoc on your forklift, damaging flooring, and injuring employees. To find a warehouse floor cleaning machine that suits your needs, check out ScrubberShop to compare floor scrubbers and sweepers. Partnerships with multiple dealers provide you with choices in cleaning machines and can help you find the best deal available.

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