Winter Forklift Maintenance Tips

December 06, 2022 - Last modified: December 9, 2022 @ 2:42 pm

Proactively performing winter maintenance on your forklift equipment will prevent costly repairs

The end of fall is the perfect time to focus on forklift maintenance. Ice, snow, and extreme temperatures can damage machinery that is not in good working order. Keeping a close eye on forklift upkeep before and during the winter season may save you the headache of expensive repairs.

10 Winter Forklift Maintenance Tips

Here are the 10 best tips for keeping forklifts running well through the winter.

1. Clean and Upgrade Lights

Lights are a simple but critical part of a forklift's machinery. They're even more important in winter, as there are fewer hours of sunlight, and bad weather can cause low visibility. Make sure forklift lights are clean and clear of debris daily.

Switching out old-fashioned forklift lights for LEDs is a smart move for winter. Traditional lightbulbs need to produce heat to generate light, which is much harder to do in the freezing cold. LEDs use electric circuits, instead, so they last longer and shine brighter in winter.

2. Check Tire Pressure Often

Air pressure drops along with the temperature, decreasing the pressure inside vehicle tires. Check your forklifts for proper tire pressure at least once a week in winter, as this is a major safety concern.

If tire pressure drops too low, the forklift stability triangle weakens. This increases the risk of the forklift tipping, even if it's loaded and driven correctly.

3. Replace Hydraulic Fluid

Cold temperatures can make the fluid in a forklift's hydraulic system too thick to work effectively. Keep these levels high as part of regular forklift maintenance to ensure the machinery functions in the cold without locking up.

4. Check Battery Levels

Winter is hard on a forklift's battery, just like the battery in your car. Vehicle batteries run on chemical reactions that are more difficult to start in cold temperatures. The best way to keep a forklift battery healthy in the winter is to check it with a load tester often and keep it topped off in charge.

5. Invest in a Spare Battery

Even with careful forklift maintenance, it's possible that a forklift battery may die during the winter. Be prepared and have an extra forklift battery on hand so your fleet doesn't lose any valuable work time. Store spare batteries in a dry, temperature-controlled room to keep them in good shape.

6. Refresh Antifreeze and Coolant

Even in freezing temperatures, coolant is essential to prevent heat from damaging a forklift's engine. Add antifreeze to the coolant at the correct levels because if the coolant freezes, the engine can quickly break down. Use a hydrometer to check that you have enough antifreeze and coolant in every forklift before the first frost of the year.

7. Inspect the Engine for Signs of Damage

While checking a forklift's engine fluid and batteries, inspect other parts of the engine as well. Vehicles tend to break down in winter because of cold temperatures and damage from the summer heat that went unnoticed.

Here are some signs of damage to look out for during forklift maintenance:

  • Leaks or cracks in hoses (common in older forklifts)
  • A bulging battery case
  • Chalky buildup around the battery ports (mild buildup can be cleaned off)
  • A sulfur smell from a leaking battery
  • A fuel smell from leaking engine components

If you see any of these signs, have the forklift inspected professionally to determine the damage's extent. It's also a good idea to have older forklifts inspected before winter.

8. Schedule Extra Time for the Forklift To Warm Up

Forklifts work best at an ideal temperature, and in winter, it may take a few minutes before the forklift is ready to go. Forcing a forklift to carry heavy materials too soon after turning the key can put stress on the hydraulic system and engine.

Instead, wait a minute or two with the engine idling and then perform a test run of the hydraulics without any weight. This allows the hydraulic fluid to loosen and get into all parts of the system before the forklift is under pressure. This warm-up reduces the risk of failure and can save you time in forklift maintenance.

9. Get Good Winter Gear for Forklift Operators 

A forklift is only as safe as its operator. Cold temperatures can decrease an operator's focus and lead to costly accidents.

Make sure all forklift operators have quality winter coats, gloves, hats, and other gear to keep them warm. Run a check in late fall before the temperatures drop to prevent accidents and be ahead of the game. With the right gear, forklift operators will be more focused in the cold as well as happier and more productive overall.

Remember that even with the best gear, extreme cold is hard on outdoor forklift operators. Consider shortening shifts, increasing breaks, or adding extra operators to your rotation to maintain efficiency in the dead of winter.

10. Keep the Forklift's Work Area Clear of Snow and Ice

It's smarter to clear winter weather out of the way than to test a forklift's ability to drive through snow. Make sure the path of any outdoor forklift is clear and safe. Instruct operators to reduce their speed at the first sign of snow or wet conditions.

Icy surfaces can also cause winter forklift accidents. To deal with excessive ice, you can salt the forklift's path or invest in tires with deeper treads.

Learn More About Forklift Maintenance as You Shop for Forklifts

After a thorough inspection, you may find that you need to invest in some new forklifts heading into winter. Shopping for a new forklift online can be complicated and frustrating, taking hours of valuable time away from other tasks.

At Forklift Inventory, you can request exactly the kind of equipment you need, and we do the work for you. Instead of looking at countless websites and searching for information, you can quickly and easily get the best options from trusted local dealers. Request a quote, and browse our blog for more helpful tips on forklift maintenance, safety, and operating procedures.


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